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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/19/07


MARCH 19, 2007

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. at Town Hall.

Present   Elizabeth A. Gorski and William H. Darke, Chairman
Approval of Minutes
Moved Gorski, seconded Darke, and it was

VOTED:   To approve the Minutes of February 26, 2007,
                  as presented.

Approval of Warrants
Moved Gorski, seconded Darke, and it was

VOTED:    To approve Warrants #07-36A, #07-37, & #07-38.

Public Hearing – Verizon
At 6:16 P.M. Chairman Darke opened the public hearing on the request of Verizon to place a pole on Salem Street (on the end near its intersection with School Street).  
Joseph Gleason was present representing Verizon.  No abutters were present.  Mr. Gleason explained the need to install a stub pole with an integrity line to secure the line and equipment placed by Groveland Light Department on the pole on the opposite side of Salem Street.  There being no abutters present and objecting, moved Gorski, seconded Darke, it was

VOTED:   To grant Verizon and Groveland Municipal Electric
                 permission to place on (1) stub pole on Salem Street,
                 and to lay and maintain underground laterals, cables
                 and wires in the above or intersecting public ways
                 for the purpose of making connections with such poles
                 and buildings as each may desire for distributing purposes.

In another matter, Mr. Gleason was asked when Verizon would finish the Elm Park project by swapping over the wires to the new poles and removing the old poles.  Gleason stated that he will check into it for the town but told the Board that Verizon is the last telecommunication company to move its wires; that the town’s wires, cable tv wires, etc would have to be moved first before Verizon would move theirs.  He told the Board that they should call and speak with Bob Grassia, Manager of the Right of Way Division whenever they have concerns regarding Verizon construction.  

At 6:30 P.M. the Board met with Rodney Wood, employee of the Cemetery Department.  Wood had asked to speak to the Board because he felt the Commissioners were doing away with his job and that he was being treated unfairly.  The Commissioners had been informed of Wood’s appointment but declined attending the meeting.

Wood told the Board that he was laid off in December and has been collecting unemployment; that in the past he has been laid off for the winter, but returned to his position in the Spring; that other years he had worked through the winter months either with the Highway Department for snow plowing or doing maintenance work at town buildings.  Wood stated that the winter he worked at the Library he received a thank you letter complementing his work, a copy of which is in his file.  He informed the Board that today he received a registered letter informing him that the Commissioners are restructuring the cemetery and doing away with the position he has held for the past six years; that the letter states he can apply for the  position when its posted, calling it Superintendent of Cemetery.  Wood expressed surprise that he hadn’t been offered the position because he had men working under him that he supervised.

Chairman Darke asked Finance Director Labrecque if he is aware of the position changes and Labrecque told the Board that he is; that the Commission is thinking of taking a different tactic in the cemetery operation and wants to make a supervisory position which Wood can apply for when they post the new position.  

Wood gave Selectmen copies of the letter and February 12th Minutes he received in the mail today, a copy of a certificate he received for taking a course on Cemetery Management at UNH for which he received a grant to pay for the course, and a copy of a page from his May evaluation.  Chairman Darke told Wood that the Board can’t give him any good answers right now; that the Board can ask the Commissioners in to explain their rationale, but they are elected officials and the Selectmen can’t control their actions.  Darke told Wood that the Selectmen can only try to make sure things are being done properly.  

Cemetery Commissioner Sciacca arrived at the meeting.  He informed the Selectmen that he was watching their meeting and decided he should come over; that Commissioner Cotton isn’t available due to the recent death of his brother.  Sciacca told the Board that Wood’s position has been eliminated and the Superintendent position redefined.  Darke asked whether Wood had people under him and Sciacca stated he had.  Sciacca told the Board that the Finance Director has obtained a season waiver so that two laborers may be hired for 19.5 hours a week for thirteen weeks, one from April to July and the other July to November (no unemployment benefits awarded at end of job); that they tried having Wood work full-time but he had to work for the town in the winter; that the Finance Board instructed the Commissioners to reassess our employee needs.  Sciacca stated that the records were in bad shape and that he had to do the updating from his home; that they need someone capable of keeping the paperwork up to date.  Sciacca stated that the performed Wood’s evaluation in May 2006 and had planned to do another in November, but did not do the second.  Leonard Russo, a supporter of Woods addressed the Board and stated that Wood is still waiting for his second evaluation.  Sciacca responded they spent over 12 hours trying to complete the one in May; that Wood kept leaving and the Commissioners had to keep rescheduling.  

Wood told the Selectmen that the Commissioners placed him on probation and were to re-address their concerns at the time of the November evaluation and that has never occurred.    Chairman Darke told Sciacca the Commissioners need to meet with Wood and conduct their second evaluation; that they need to spell out to him what he did or did not do.  Sciacca asked that the Finance Director sit in on the evaluation and Wood stated he had no problem with Greg being present.  Wood told the Board that he has no reprimands in his personnel file, only complementary letters or notes.  The Selectmen’s Assistant will review the Personnel Policy and speak to Town Counsel if necessary to clarify what the Selectmen’s authority is with this issue.

Firefighter Appointment
At the request of the Board of Fire Engineers, and upon motion duly made Gorski, seconded by Darke, it was

VOTED:   To appoint Mark Parenteau, 18 Benham Street,
                  Groveland to serve as a firefighter, said appointment
                  effective immediately through June 30, 2007.

Letter of Complaint regarding parking on Route #97
The Board reviewed a letter received from Russ and Leslie Bowden, 922 Salem Street, Groveland.  Dr. Darke announced that both Bowdens are patients of his prior to the Board discussing the letter.  The Bowdens informed the Selectmen that when the owner of Golden Grounds had their hearing before the Zoning Board in order to open their business, the Bowdens were present because they were concerned that parking could be an issue.  The letter stated that large trucks, utility trucks and trailers are now being left unattended, with the engines running out in front of his house.  He expressed concern that this is creating a safety and health hazard.  Bowden stated he has access problems entering and exiting his driveway and getting to his mailbox.  The Bowdens asked that No Parking signs be placed on route 97 at 921 and 922 Salem Street.  

The Selectmen asked their Assistant to speak to the Road Commissioner about installing no parking signs and to send a letter to Golden Grounds requesting them to put something out for their customers notifying them not to park in front of the homes along Salem Street.
Candidates for Election
Tracy Gilford, member of the Town’s Cable TV committee informed the Board that he is going to tape for the local channel a “meet the candidate”, and will notify each candidate in writing of their opportunity to introduce themselves on camera (5 minutes).  Selectmen approved Tracy filming the “meet the candidates” for the public access channel.

Gilford also asked the Board for permission to use the main meeting room on Sunday evenings to run a Groveland News Program from 6:00 to 6:30 P.M.  Selectmen approved Gilford’s request.

Selectmen asked that the Zoning Board be scheduled on the next agenda to discuss the increase in their Clerk’s wages the ZBA approved while she is working during the 40B hearing for Center Street; and to ask the Water/Sewer Commissioners in to update the Board on Main Street.

Review Annual Town Meeting Warrant
Selectmen reviewed a draft of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant

There being no further business to come before the Board, moved Gorski, seconded Darke and it was

VOTED:   To adjourn.
                  Adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lewandowski
Administrative Assistant